My perspective nonetheless is that male dominance is not needed or all that welcome our modern civilization where women can participate fully in our economy and all levels of political and social life.

The fact that a few corrupt and backward leaders want to drag our culture back into the blackened caves of the past is not evidence this is the natural or Inevitable order for our species. It is, instead, a model of inter-gender relationships we can and ought to reject as no longer having legitimacy.

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Very interesting article Mr Oliver. I would note, however, that males are generally physically stronger than females because of their biological make up, not as a result of having free time to compete for females. Perhaps it is an evolutionary trait inherited from those primal times.

Regardless, thank God men and women today can both actively participate in their children’s upbringing, and there is no need for one gender to dominate over the other. We are free to be coequal participants in forming families and governments in today’s democratic society

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Sorry to disagree. You have to explain how it is the males are stronger. Pregnancy and baby care fall first and foremost on females, not males. Unburdened from baby care, males compete with one another for access to and control of females, as I pointed out, often violently. Physical competition among males for access to and control of females makes them stronger.

The times may not be so primal. The political swing back to male domination in contemporary society (election of Trump over Harris, power of male tyrants from Trump, Musk, Bezos, is noteworthy. I trust this is a momentary part of the back-and-forth of this long struggle.

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